My son and I just got back from a short 4-day, 3-night vacation in the 1000 Islands in upstate New York. Way, way, WAY upstate! A friend invited us up to his cottage. Knowing how often I’m “One and Done” on invites, I decided to take advantage. We had a great time in a beautiful area….sand, sun, sand, golf, sand, warm water. Did I mention sand???
One day my son, our host and I went down to the beach. After a while my son said he had to go to the bathroom. “Poop?”, I asked. “No, pee”. Good! Now, a trip back to the cottage entailed getting up out of my chair (the hard part), walking back to the cottage, hosing the sand off of him, drying him off, and then sending him in to the bathroom. For convenience sake I told him “Just go in the water.” Being the kind of kid that does as he’s told, my son waded out into the water until the water was knee-high on him. I thought he was just stopping for a minute before he continued to deeper waters. Nope. Next thing I know he had pulled his swimming trunks down and was standing out there as if he was in front of a toilet (which, in a way, he was).
Not wanting to get tossed from the beach my host and I both yelled “No! Go in your trunks!” So my son turns around, walks back onto the beach and stops. He then started dripping a lot more than just water. I asked “Are you peeing?” “Yes”. Ugh.
By now it was too late. I let him finish, making sure the waves came high enough on shore, then pointed him out to the water to rinse out his trunks. I guess I still have some “manly outdoor training” to do. But first, I have to get permission for us to return to the beach!